
How to play necrons
How to play necrons

So where to start? The new Indomitus box gives a pretty solid base to work from so let’s start with a list using these models plus some others to compliment the box set and some tricks to the list. So you made your decision and ready to make the metal boys your guys. As 9th edition approaches it appears we are getting some help in that department. For the most part, this comes down to close combat. There are few things more rewarding than to watch your opponent take a unit down to the last model only to have the majority of them stand back up. The Necrons unique ability to get back up after taking casualties. They work outside standard psychic rules, thus they cannot be denied. C’tan powers act like psychic powers but are unique to Necrons. Where rolling under the damage prevents you from harm. Quantum shielding is the ultimate bane to every big gun in 40k. Necrons have some very unique abilities that work like nothing else in the game. Later in this article I’ll be giving you a fun list going off the new Indomitus box to help get you started. Learning to build a list can be picked up right away. You aren’t bombarded with gear choices but rather given 1-2 strong options.

how to play necrons

But why I like them for newer players is in the ease of army composition. They are easy to build and paint while the new releases are some of the most aesthetically pleasing GW has come out with. In that case, Necrons offer a strong starting point while rewarding players who decide to learn the nuisances of the army. Maybe for you, it’s all about putting models on the table and having fun with your friends in an epic battle of evil vs more evil.

How to play necrons